Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cool Bands

Okay. So I've found some really awesome bands lately. I've posted a lot of their MySpace Pages on Twitter (, but I'm trying to get them some more press because they are pretty awesome! So check them out! :

Sorry and the Sinatras :
The Rooftops :
Nerf Herder :
Calabrese :

So those are some of my main ones that I've found and they are all awesome. Everybody check them out. And keep a look out on my Twitter/MySpace for some more cool ones!
Thanks guys,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Because I Forget To Blog A Lot

Well it's been a pretty eventful end of 2009 and begins of 2o1o. Well I did well at the end of this semester and got myself off acedemic probation. Well kind of. Kind of meaning they didn't take away my scholarships they just docked me for $350 bucks. Like this school isn't already getting enough of my money!

One of the stranger things I've done lately is that I've actually started using my MySpace more. I had kind of forgotten about it and just kind of left it sitting. But in case anybody wants to add me, I am officially using that thing again! Hooray!!

Um...what else to update people about. I went to Disney World over Christmas. Had a blast with the family and I mean it was a pretty good bit of us that went down this time. Here's us with Mickey Mouse! :

So all in all it was a pretty awesome time down there. Left on Christmas Day and did like a long weekend trip getting back on that Tuesday. Speaking of Christmas I got one of those Yoostar things. It's already been returned. Personally it was bought for me as a gift because I like making videos and a green screen was awesome. This thing isn't worth it for me. It's very limited with what you can do.

I figured I'd make a new paragraph to tell you how much Yoostar sucks. You can only use scenes they give you. You can't upload anything to it. It's all secure. It also blocks you from uploading to Youtube for some reason. You can use it on Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter but that's pretty much it. So for someone wanting to be creative by making Youtube videos that are original and creative. It's not worth it at all. Plus it costs like $170. But I got to keep the refund money so that was pretty sweet! :) I think Yoostar would be worth it if you just want to use it as some fun family activity but it's not worth it if you want it for anything else. It's just another techno toy.

Well I think that's about all I have to say. So until next time I decide to update this thing!
