Monday, October 5, 2015

Scream Queens: Ice Cream Becomes a Banana Split

Time to head back to our favorite sorority!  Scream Queens is back this week and it's official:  Dean Munsch and Gigi are moving into the house!  The two ladies have decided to move in keep an eye on things.

Other than the two ladies joining the unimpressed Chanel, the episode entitled "Chainsaw" gives us some glorious tastes and scenes of the Red Devil using one...and Zayday, which was hilarious.

Enough of my randomness, let's focus on the recap!  This episode shows us that the students of the university are making sure people know that they are not a part of KKT, by holding a march and showing the killer that they are in no way affiliated.  Munsch then announces that the Red Devil will no longer by the mascot and it is now an ice cream cone.  But the cone then leads to the most gruesome murder of the show in my opinion.

That's right, the ice cream cone gets cut in half!  Good lord that was gory, shocking and brilliant!

Now it's time for a breakdown:

My favorite character: Denise Hemphill believes that Zayday is the killer.  She saw a tweet that Zayday sent to the writer of How To Get Away With Murder that spoke of her liking how killers worked in cohoots.

#Cahoots may a thing as we say the members of Chad Radwell's fraternity fight two chainsaw wielding Red Devils in an attempt to gain some revenge for Boone's death in an amazing Backstreet Boys fight sequence.  The big thing Denise found on Zayday though is that she had a chainsaw under her bed.  Zayday claimed her grandmother sent it to her, which Denise just believes...I love Denise Hemphill.

Chanel needs a new minion.  But who would be willing to do this?  Why Chanel #6 obviously.  Lea Michele goes from brace to hottie in this episode.  We all knew it was coming!

Chanel #3 gets some character and becomes "alibuddies" with Sam.  This seems to be like Brittany and Santana from Glee but poorly acted and written.

Chanel #2 is still posting pics on her Instagram from an unknown location.  But Denise discovers the blood stains in her room and her tweet leading her to explain to Grace and Zayday how she's been murdered...or maybe not.  

The episode ends with Dean Munsch forcing Gigi out of their shared room with loud murder noises.  Gigi leaves to sleep on the couch and meets a chainsaw wielding Red Devil.  

Gigi with little help from Wes' attempted rescue, saves herself with a pretty impressive kick.  When she and Wes go to check on the Devil who had flown behind the couch, he was gone, leaving only his chainsaw behind.  From there Munsch runs downstairs to check on them, Wes accuses her of being the killer and she looks stunned.

This episode was fun!  I really enjoyed seeing the characters come to light more.  At this point here's my thought on who the killer is.  Chanel #2 seemed to fake her death possibly and Boone definitely faked his.  There are two chainsaw wielding Demons and the one did not take out Chad Radwell (Boone?)  This theory will probably change by next week, but for now: Chanel #2 and Boone did it.

Good night and good fright everyone!