Monday, March 9, 2009

Sitting In My Room Thinking

Well I'm Joe/E. I'm a theatre major at Limestone College. That's in Gaffney, South Carolina. Never heard of Gaffney? Well join the club man!

Gaffney does have a giant peach for it's water tower, that's something interesting.

Pic of the Peach!

I'm sitting in my room. The time just changed so it feels like 3am but it's 4am. I stay up late all the time so I know about the am times! I'm trying to use this blog as like an intro thing. Cause somebody is probably going to read this and they really don't know anything about me.


I loves the entertainment industry. If I don't end up working in some aspect of entertainment, I'll probably die. (I'm going to die anyway because everyone has to, but that's besides the point.) I'm addicted to Disney. I'm a huge fan, my family and I go to Disney World at least once a year. In fact we're going in about 4 weeks. I'm excited.

By the way, today I saw this sign in the Waffle House (I eat there a lot) It was talking about Raisin Toast and but the words "Raisin Toast" were written in an American Idol logo. It was weird.

Oh. My family and I also make videos : go to -

Till later everybody!

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