Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bad Day

Okay, so after a bad day it's really easy to just complain and stuff but I'm not that type of person. I really wish I was sometimes. Just somebody that will call you out and punch you in the face but I'm way too mello. (thanks genetics) But I don't really know what to do. I mean I'm in college and I was pretty much drama free in high school. So having to deal with it now is even more stressful.

Well to cut to the chase the things that I'm most upset with are:

1. Someone told one of my good friends that I have a very personal problem with them and have been talking about it behind their backs. I don't really understand why someone would do that. I have a feeling about it but I'm not going to jump to conclusions. I'm just going to do what I normally do. I just drop it and move on, but at the moment I think I'm just going to punch something.

2. Well when you have a group of entertainers you always have the 'diva'. The biggest problem for me is when that diva doesn't deserve to be a diva. I mean isn't being good at what you do a requirement for divas? I mean really. But when you suck at most everything then you don't really get the diva privilage.

3. Don't mess with my friends. End of statement.

Well I really thing that's all I needed to vent about. I don't want to type anymore because I'll start to feel like I'm hiding behind a keyboard and I'm not. If you have a problem with me, tell me face to face.

That's all folks,

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