Thursday, December 1, 2011

Once Upon A Time Redux - That Still Small Voice

The magic's in the air!  Can you feel it?  Who cares about Christmas? I'm talking about the Once Upon A Time Redux!  

Alright so the latest episode is focused on one of my personal favorite characters ever, Jiminy Cricket!
(except he looks more like this in the episode)
(very Irish)

But this episode starts out with something different.  A mine collapses!  The whole town rumbles!  So we go to the scene of the mine collapse and Gina is trying to calm everyone down and back everyone up including Emma until she learns that Emma's the new town deputy.  Who tells her that?  Why her good old banging buddy the town sheriff.  (I'm already calling that he's the Huntsman, just saying)  Gina is somewhat accepting of this and orders Emma to get to work.  But we see Gina pick up a piece of glass or something and move on her way.  Luckily Henry also catches a glimpse of this and demands to know what it is.  Time for Operation Cobra!

Operation Cobra does a huddle up and Henry introduces the newest member of the team.  Archie Hopper aka Jiminy Cricket. Henry tells them something's up and changing and they need to go explore the mine. Gina's real quick to break up the meeting and order Emma off to work. 

 But she's not done, she let's Archie know real quick that he is her employee and she can't have her son questioning whether or not everything she does is some kind of plot.  She ends by letting him know that he better fix Henry's issue because all employees can be fired and she will make his life miserable to the point where his only shelter is an umbrella.  (Nice!)

Meanwhile we take a visit to Fantasyland...or Realityland...(Do we call the fantasy world real or not?)  But we are introduced to Jiminy's backstory.  His family is a roving band of puppeteers and thieves.  We the crowd enjoying a puppet show, (which I found quite funny), and little Jiminy running around and picking pockets like a boss!  It's then we're introduced to two characters that I really like, Jiminy's parents.  They're very interesting, funny, and I really do hope we get to see more of them.  We then hear that Jiminy doesn't like be a thief.  (Which is a good thing for a professional conscience.)  We also learn of his love of crickets.  (Foreshadowing?  Nah!)

So back to...reality?  We see Archie with Henry for another one of their sessions.  Henry tells Archie that he has everything the need in the backpack to go explore the mine.   Archie then does exactly what he was ordered to do.  He tells Henry that if he keeps believing then pretty soon he's going be institutionalized.  Wow.  You could tell how much it hurt Archie and how much it hurt Henry.  Really good scene from the two of them!

Back in the fantasy world we see a much older Jiminy working on getting the puppet stage set up.  He again voices to his parents that he doesn't want to do this anymore.  Their response?  Another funny set of back and forth banter!  (I really do love these characters!)  But then while working in the rain Jiminy meets a young boy who thinks Jiminy has the best job in the world!  Who is this kid?  

Back in Storybrooke Henry went crying to Emma who instantly stormed to Archie's office to confront him.  Archie's drinking to...drown his conscience.  (Hahahahahahahahahahaha!  I crack myself up!)  Emma's phone rings and it's Gina asking if she was with him.  Emma thinks Gina is referring to Archie but no, she's referring to Henry.  Neither Gina nor Emma knows where Henry could be.  But Archie does!

Skip over to Henry entering the mine.  He walks around and finds another piece of glass...

Back in the fantasy world we see Jiminy go into the quarters of none other than Rumpelstiltskin.  Jiminy trades some stolen goods for a string of gold thread.  Rumpelstiltskin is quick to question if Jiminy wants something else...Maybe some magic?  Jiminy states that he wants to be free.  Rumpel is already quick to work making a potion/whatever.  He tells Jiminy to take the potion and throw it on his parents, put it in their drinks/food/whatever.  Rumpel asks what Jiminy has to trade to complete this offer.  Jiminy agrees to let Rumpel have his parents and exits.

Back in the real world Emma and Archie arrive at the mine calling out to Henry.  They come with Archie's dog Pongo.  (Yes, his name is Pongo and he's a dalmatian!  Being a Disney nerd rules!)  Archie begins to enter the mine when the mine begins to rumble again.  The entrance crumbles leaving Archie in the mine where he eventually meets up with Henry.  Henry instantly believes that Archie has come to help him find whatever is in there.  Archie's quick to say no.  Henry asks if Archie still believes he's crazy, Archie give a bit of a hesitant answer and Henry runs off forcing Archie to run after him.

Back in the world of fantasy we see Jiminy and his parents.  The parents decide they want more money and it's time to pull the Elf Tonic Scam again.  They go visit a couple and tell them of the next town over where the plague is running rampant.  Jiminy is having no part in the scam but the couple is eating it up.  The parents tell them of Elf Tonic and that's how they are still alive and kicking.  The couple trade almost everything they own for it and are extremely grateful.  Jiminy feels terrible.  (Good conscience.)  As they head back to their wagon Jiminy has had enough with how awful his parents are and throws the potion on them.  They laugh and ask what rain water will do.  Jiminy instantly runs back to the house where the couple have drank the potion and turned into dolls.  The parents laugh but then someone runs in...."Mommy, Daddy...."  It's the little boy from earlier.  He demands to know what Jiminy has done to his parents.  Jiminy is crushed.

Meanwhile in Storybrooke.  Emma and Gina are trying everything to get Henry and to a lesser extent Archie out of the mine.  They even resort to dynamite.  

Then all of the sudden it's Pongo to the rescue.  He finds an air vent leading them down into the well.  Henry and Archie have found an elevator and are trying to make their way up.  Gina's quick to say she'll go down to get them, Emma says Henry is her son too and she's got more experience.  A pretty pissed and conflicted Gina just tells her to bring him back.

But wait!!  What's been going on behind both these stories?  Why Snow White is connecting with her Prince Charming.  John Doe still doesn't remember who he is but the connection between him and Mary is crazy.  But he's got an overly nice wife that he really doesn't remember.  Towards the end of the episode Mary and John take a walk together and he tells her that nothing makes sense in his life right now except her.  The tension is there for a kiss but in comes nicey wifey to break up the 3-count!

We go back to Jiminy who is upset and sitting on a fence.  He looks up at the star and makes wish.  Who comes to visit him?  Why none other than The Blue Fairy.  She tells him she has heard his wish but she can not bring the boy's parents back because what's done is done.  Jiminy tells her this isn't the life he wants nor who he wants to be.  She asks him what is does want to be, the crickets get louder, and The Blue Fairy hears the wish from his heart.  She turns him into Jiminy Cricket!  

She tells him to go find the young boy and he shall guide him because the boy is going to go through hard times in his life.  Jiminy asks her how he can find the boy, he doesn't even know his name.  The Blue Fairy tells him his name is Gepetto and Jiminy will live as long as he needs to take care of him.

Back in Storybrooke we see Archie and Henry in the elevator.  They get hid in the head with something.  It's dust from Emma coming down to save them.  She gets Henry out but the elevator starts creaking.  Archie stuck and the elevator's about to collapse.  We see the elevator shoot down into the dark.  But what's this!  Archie grabbed a hold of Emma's gear with his umbrella!  (Good ole Jiminy!)

Back up on the ground everyone is happy that the two are safe.  Gina is checking on Henry when Emma walks over to do the same and Gina is quick to tell Emma to back off and go do her job as deputy.  Emma didn't look too happy. 

We cut to a scene in Mr. Gold's shop.  What do we see in there?  The dolls of the parents...

 The last scene shows us something else.  Everyone is talking, as Gina walks up to the air shaft.  She tosses in the piece of glass from earlier.  Where does it land?  Right on top of Snow White's glass coffin...

Overall a great episode of the show.  I really do love this show and it just gets better and better with each episode!  

Till the next OUAT Redux!  Later!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Glee Review - I Kissed A Girl


Alright so we start off this episode off and we quickly learn that it's about Santana getting outed by a rival in Sue and Burt's campaign.  (Anyone else find it odd that we never once saw this guy?)  But Santana's going to get suspended for slapping Finn due to the school's no violence policy to which Santana brings up a good point asking why students who throw slushies aren't getting suspended.  The answer?  Slushies aren't a weapon.  It's lame but it's an explanation.  But Finn steps up and all of the sudden says Santana didn't slap him.  Santana and everyone else are shocked by this but Finn tells Santana that he wants to kind of reunite the school's two glee clubs.

After this we learn that Finn has chosen a theme for the week.  What is this theme you may ask?  Lady Songs By Ladies.  Yep, it's all song about women and power sang by powerful women.  How do we start it off?  Kurt and Blaine sing Pink...

(thank you for saying it all Pink)

But let's not forget about what Glee does best, all the secondary story-lines!  Alright.  So Puck and Shelby are getting all up into each other.  Shelby calls Puck after the baby (like I care to know her name, I know it's a girl) falls and busts her lip open.  (Sure call a high school kid)  But then they go off and do it, Shelby thinks it's a bad idea again, and Puck leaves angry.  And where does good old Puck go when he's angry?  To bang Quinn.  (Good man Puck, good man)  But Quinn has other plans and is trying to get herself pregnant again and Puck is not having a bit of that.  (Good man Puck, good man)  But after Puck decides to stay and cuddle he tells Quinn of his and Shelby's doings.  (Dun, Dun, Dunnnnnnn!)  And oh yeah somewhere in there Puck sings Melissa Etheridge.  (Glee's way of saying, "Oh yeah, lesbian episode, you know what this needs?  Melissa Freakin Etheridge.)

(Yeah I Googled Miss Etheridge.  I thought she was dead.  Learn something new everyday.)

Now onto a storyline that I liked.  Coach Beiste and her man Cooter...Sorry but did nobody think that making the very manly lady love a man named Cooter...I'm just going to leave that one alone.  (She calls him Coot for the love of God!)  But in this episode we see something new...Sue.  Sue has a apparently had a wack at Cooter a time or two.  (Yeah I just wrote that.)  Sue's called him up and soon after we see Beiste catch Sue and Cooter out on the town.  Cooter tells Beiste that 's tried making moves but she just didn't seem interested.  Beiste is sad and leaves.  (For who could ever love a Beiste!)   Later on after Sue loses the election to Burt,  (I'm not making a big deal of it, the episode sure didn't.)  Beiste comes back in the room and tells Cooter that she loves him and she's not giving up.  Oh yeah, she sang Jolene (Beiste did.)  And you know what?  I really liked it.  Maybe the best song of the show!

But speaking of the best song of the show, let's go on to the worst.  Finn singing a slow ballad of Girls Just Want To Have Fun...I've never wanted to die watching TV before, way to go Finn you knocked something off my bucket list!

(I approached Cyndi for her opinion on Finn's performance and received this quote: "He did better than I thought he would.  I took up meth for that song and all he took was his masculinity.")

Finally.  The election came up.  Kurt lost.  Brittany won.  And Rachel stuffed the ballot box...Winning an election and not getting enough votes!  Who would support such a thing?!

But finally back to the main storyline.  Santana is confronted by a new jock who wants to bang her straight again and all of the glee club girls come out of nowhere like a swarm of killer bees and tell him to back off.  This leads into I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry.  No when I think of that song and those girls singing it I...I...I'll be back in a minute.

(I didn't get that joke)

But finally we learn that Santana's parents were okay with her being just how she is but she's got to go tell her grandmother and we get a great scene with her grandma just telling her to get out of the house and never come back.  The line that stuck out to me the most was Santana asking, "What's different about me now?"  Which was a good point.  I liked it.  Good scene.  Applause for Glee.


Kurt's accused of stuffing his ballot box.  (Snicker)  And then Rachel goes and confesses to it.  She's suspended for one week and...and...AND...


Let that shocker sink in and I'll see you for the next episode...

Overall Review for I Kissed A Girl : I liked it!  
(I still don't get it.)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Avatar Coming To Disney's Animal Kingdom

Okay, so Disney has partnered with the ever so conceited James Cameron to bring Avatar to Disney's Animal Kingdom.  Now anybody that knows me knows that I'm one of the biggest Disney fans around so I figured I needed to put my 2 cents in on this.

I'm all for Disney partnering with 3rd party companies.  I mean it gave us Star Tours and Star Wars Weekends, then we got the Indiana Jones ride and show.  Let's not forget my favorite 3rd party ride...

(This elevator goes directly too...The Twilight Zone)

So I'm not against them bringing a non-Disney thing into a Disney theme park.  I don't know if I'm okay with them devoting an entire land to Avatar though.  I'm sure Disney could do it justice and I think it'll be pretty cool to see the world of Avatar in person but I wonder how much staying power Avatar has.

I mean if you asked me I couldn't tell you a lot of facts about Avatar.  I mean I know the main guy's name is Jake and they look for Unobtainium (the most creative name for a rare mineral/gem/rock/whatever it is)  but other than that I really couldn't tell you much more.  (They turn into blue people and try to save a tree.)  I think Disney should've gone a different route.  I mean you have lands in Animal Kingdom devoted to different areas of the world and then you have Dino-Land which is okay cause they're proven to exist.  There was suppose to be an area devoted to mythical creatures but they scrapped it so we could go to Mickey's Cabana Land as I like to call it.  But does Avatar have the power to pull in people like Star Wars does?  I don't think so.  I think the new land will pull in people now and hopefully it will when the sequels come out but I don't think it's that popular of a movie.  I mean it's a big movie and everyone saw it but nobody talks about Avatar or wants to watch it over and over again like Star Wars.  If they had Avatar weekend at Animal Kingdom then I don't think people would go.

Overall I think Disney missed a major opportunity and I think if they were going to put a new land in Animal Kingdom then they should have went with the mythological creature land that's been on the back burner since the beginning of Animal Kingdom.  I think it's going to be much more popular than Avatar in the long one unless the sequels do just as well as the original then they might have something on their hands but as of right now I think the Avatar land will be just something else in the park, not a big attraction.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Who Is Kim Kardashian?

Did I spell her name right?  Honestly what does she do?  I just made a Google+ account and she's my "friend" or whatever that's suppose to mean.  And then I'm looking at Youtube Videos and I keep having to sit through adds of her yelling at someone saying, "Why do you find out your husband's in another country by Twitter?"  (Or something like that)

Honestly who cares?  What does this girl do?  Does she act/sing/...

...Oh, she's sort of hot and rich.  I understand now.

Where's Naomi?

Ok WWE, I've got one big question about this Divas division...well besides the fact that it's never paid attention to and I'm sick of this whole, "Beth and Natalya making people cry" storyline.  Seriously?

Where's Naomi?

(See she's even wondering what's up)

This girl has got the tools to make every Diva on this roster look bad.  (Or good depending on how you see it) Just take a look at a these matches :

Why has WWE waited this long to bring Naomi up?  All the NXT Season 3 Divas are on the roster some way but Naomi is still chilling in FCW.

I've heard rumors that she's traveling with them and there was a pic Zack Ryder posted on Twitter that saw a pic of Naomi in the official WWE Program :

Hopefully she can debut soon and actually breathe life back in this division but honestly I'm not sure if that's possible.  Here's hoping!

The Taco Bell Triple Steak Stack

Triple Steak Stack
It's a chicken flat bread sandwich, but filled with steak! (Or whatever it is Taco Bell puts in their food)

This little sandwich packs in a big 690 calories and a scary intake of 1950mg of sodium. But is it delicious? You freaking bet it is!!

Taco Bell is the Dr. Frankenstein of Mexican food but holy crap is it good! This creation is just the flat break filled with "steak" and 3 different cheeses.

I did however try this monster of a sandwich behind a man who ordered 3 of them. I thought it would be fun to see what this man just filled himself with :
2070 calories, 90 grams of fat, 39 grams of saturated fat, 36 grams of sugar, and a insanely scary 5850 grams of sodium. I found a picture of him just a week after this :

But just because you should, go out and try one! They are pretty freaking good, just pretty freaking bad for you.

Link to the official page of the Taco Bell Triple Steak Stack :

J-Lo False Advertising?

Ok, so everyone who's been around a television has seen J-Lo's new Fiat 500 commercial where she drives it around shadyish neighborhood streets and talks about how this is her inspiration and all that crap...(If you love it so much then why didn't you stay there? Just saying, if you're still Jenny from the Block then...)

But turns out that J-Lo didn't actually go to the streets that she loves so much. E! online reports that body double did the driving and J-Lo just did the driving shots.

Now if you're like me then you're thinking, "A body double for a celebrity endorsing a car that nobody really wants, no way!" (Seriously, who went running out to be a freaking Fiat? Not me.) (Oh, a Fiat 500 Cabrio, excuse me, I forgot to care)

But when E! and others are claiming that J-Lo is committing false advertisement? Really? Did Britney drink a crap ton of Pepsi? Is Little Richard eating Zaxby's chicken by the bucket? The only person I have faith in is Flo The Progressive Girl.

(Buy some car insurance or I'll cut you)

But am I shocked that J-Lo had the body double drive around on the streets? No. Why? Cause she's a rich celebrity and they probably approached her saying, "You don't even have to drive it around...," or something like that. Who knows how much money she took in for it.

For anyone that would like to research this nail biting issue further here's the link to the E! News ariticle :

King of the Hill - I Miss Thee!

I really miss King of the Hill. I know it's in reruns but it's still one of my favorite TV shows. The character work might be some of the best in the history of TV. There's really not been one time that the show has had a character say/do something that's not them.

Plus it really irks me that the reason it was cancelled was to make room for the Cleveland Show which is the most God-Awful show I've ever seen...Well maybe not, I have seen Bob's Burgers and Allen Gregory. Okay, changed my mind, Allen Gregory is the most God-Awful show ever made. I've seriously never wanted to rip out my eyes and tear off my ears at the same time. (Guess there's a first time for everything) (Sorry Jonah Hill, get fat and funny again)

I did see this and it's pretty accurate...

But oh yeah, back to King of the Hill. I will miss the show. It's really good but I don't see it coming back just because I don't see them recasting Brittany Murphy, she was pretty perfect.

(playing sad song for King of the Hill)