Monday, September 28, 2015

Once Upon A Time: Evil Black Swan Emma Arrives

It has returned!  Once Upon A Time has returned and this time, Emma has become...Evil Emma.  (Dun Dun Dun!!!)

Last season's finale let audiences witness Emma become the new Dark One.  It coined Emma's new internet nickname of: The Black Swan.  (Really original internet.)  The show opens with us seeing Arthur and Lancelot come to pull the Excalibur from the stone.  Arthur does, but sees the sword is broken.  Where's the tip of the sword?  Why it's just the Dark One's dagger!  

Meanwhile, back in Storybrooke, the crew, in a fit of attitude that led to Regina calling Hook "Guyliner" (perfection), figures out that Emma is no longer in Storybrooke and they need to find a way to get to her.  The find a locator spell using Merlin's wand and instructions from The Sorcerer's Apprentice. (RIP)  Who do they need help from?  Zelina of course!

We head to the Enchanted Forest and Evil Emma rises from a portal...I think she actually stole her arrival from someone:

But then out of nowhere: Rumple appears and tells her that he is here to be her instructor in embracing her darkness.  Really?  Rumple?  This is a stretch, even for OUAT.

Then out of this confusion of, "What the...," a maiden with red curly hair, wielding a bow and arrow appears.

Merida has arrived!  Let me say that I love this character and Amy Manson knocks this out of the park.  She gives Merida a grown up feel and gives her just a bit more angst.  Plus the line, "Just be thankful you're not a bear," was just too good.  Merida captures a wisp that Emma needs to find Merlin, which will help her stop being the dark one.  (This season reaches a lot so far, but I like it.)  So anyways, Merida and Evil Emma venture forward.

We return to Storybrooke where to make a long story short: Regina tricks Zelina into summoning a tornado that takes you into other realms.  Zelina wanted to go to Oz and Regina made the tornado wisk her and the gang (including Zelina for some reason) to The Enchanted Forest.

Luckily they arrive just in time to stop Emma from killing Merida.  You see what had happened was, Emma and Rumple were discussing how the only way to use the wisp is to be the one to whisper to it.  If Merida does it first, the wisp becomes useless to Emma unless Merida dies.  Merida hears this and flees overnight, when Emma catches up to her, the two battle and Emma rips her heart out.  But Hook runs in and helps her calm her hatred.  Awwww.

Soon after that, they're randomly found by Arthur and his round table.  They promptly say that they knew of their coming based on Merlin's prophecy and they take the Storybrooke crew to Camelot.

But then all of a sudden, we cut to six weeks later.  Everyone is back in Granny's and in Storybrooke. Of course...nobody can remember what happened.  Emma then bust through the door in full Evil Black Swan Emma mode!  It's intense.

Overall the new episode has me wanting more.  I'm kind of over the "losing their memory" every season thing.  It's really annoying that nobody can every remember anything.  This season already seems to be grasping at straws and this is episode one.  I'm going to keep optimistic however, because this show always does tend to give me something to love.  This season I'm thinking it might be Merida, cause she's ballin!

Until next week, keep dreaming...and if you're name is Emma: stay evil :)

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