Monday, September 28, 2015

Bob's Burgers: They're Baaaack

Above is just how I feel because Bob's Burgers is back and it's one of my favorite shows!!

Now for the bad news...this season premiere was not one of my favorites, in fact, it was far from it.  The episode goes back in time as the kids do their own takes on what it would be like if Bob and Linda never met.

Before you go ballistic on me, first off let me say that I'm a huge fan of this show, but this episode doesn't do it for me.  It reminds me of Season 4's The Frond Files, where we see the stories the kids wrote for school projects.  

This episode shows what would happen if Bob never had a mustache and in turn, never met Linda.  Gene's take on the story is that Bob would become Robo-Stache.  Louise says the two would just be honest with each other and meet later on.  Tina takes about how they would never have met, which leads into the most interesting part of the episode by far.  Tina's flashback/side story/whatever leads to an alternative universe where Linda marries Hugo and Bob becomes a health inspector.  This situation leads to a lot of fun callbacks to Human Flesh aka the pilot episode.

The bit thing here is that in all the scenarios, Bob and Linda always end up together, proving that true love does exist.  (Linda Voice:  Awwww, just like Mary and Joseph, having baby Jesus)  

An episode that didn't hit a home-run, but still managed to bring in some fun moments.  Hopefully the rest of the season brings in some magic, because of the adult animated shows, this one is by far my favorite and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in for season six.

Till next week, I leave you with Kuchi Kopi!

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