Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Shows I'm Addicted To - 8/13/13

Introducing something to new!  Here are my Top 10 Shows that I'm obsessed with watching right now!  Now these are on Netflix, Hulu, and of course television!  Here's my guide!  I'll post it weekly, maybe it'll change, maybe it won't!  Enjoy!

Let's start with #10!

10. WWE Smackdown
Got to love Smackdown!  It's like the highlights of RAW, but with some storyline continuations as well.  But always try to catch Smackdown, cause you can expect the unexpected!

9. WWE Superstars
Superstars is one of my favorite because you get to see a lot of WWE's minor and mid-card wrestlers which are some of my favorites.  Always nice to see some solid eight minute matches and see what some of the guys you don't see so often you can do.

NXT is one of my favorites because the matches are always great and the small crowd really gets into it!  Always exciting to see!

7. Phineas & Ferb
Always have fun watching Phineas and Ferb.  It's the one current cartoon that takes me back to my childhood, it has a real 90s feel to it.  Never too old for cartoons!

6. Kitchen Nightmares
Gordon Ramsey doing anything makes me happy!  Maybe it's just the cursing and the British Accent, but I've been watching this show obsessively.  But I always wind up cooking afterwards.

5. 3rd Rock From The Sun
I'm really disappointed I missed this show growing up, but like it more now that I'm older and get all the jokes.  This show is rapid fire fun to watch.  Grab some popcorn and just get ready to laugh.

4. WWE Raw
I always try to catch RAW!  I'm never home on Monday nights cause I'm ironically in wrestling training.  But I catch it on Hulu.  Been a constant for me since I was about 10 years old.  That's saying something!

3. My Name Is Earl
Another show I'm mad I didn't watch when it was on.  This show has me cracking up the whole time I'm watching it.  Maybe cause I"m from a small South Carolina town, so I know some of these people...

2. Total Divas
This show is my guilty pleasure.  I normally don't like this kind of reality show, but with the WWE tied in and getting to see all the backstage lives, it's just like crack.  It just kind of makes me hate John Cena more though...

1. Orange Is The New Black
This show is brilliant!  It's a Netflix original and I can't get enough of it!  The characters are fantastic and played to a T.  It's funny, and the drama of it just keeps you hooked.  If you're not able to watch this due to lack of Netflix, either purchase Netflix or find a friend who has it!

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