Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The 2013 VMAs: The Good, The Bad, and The Miley

Alrighty folks!  Well I didn't get to watch the actual broadcast, but like most of the world I have went back and watched a vast majority of the MTV Video Music Awards 2013.  There's a ton of things circulating on the internet about this show, like the return of NSYNC, the crazy performances, and whatever that thing Miley Cyrus did is called; so I think it's time I let everyone know what I thought about this whole thing.

I'm going to start off with the good things from the show:


Katy Perry's performance of her new single Roar was incredible.  Having it right outside the Brooklyn Bridge in a boxing ring, Katy dawned her boxing best and through a one round KO of a performance.  The song itself is one of my favorites on mainstream radio currently, and Katy showed why she is topping the charts with this performance.  Also I commend Katy on closing the show with a solid performance.  She didn't have to resort to any shocking or controversial publicity gimmicks, she dressed conservatively and delivered a solid performance.  A+ for Miss Perry last night.


Lady Gaga went for it all last night.  Pulling out four costume changes during her performance of her new single Applause.  While Gaga may be catching a lot of useless criticism from celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, she brought the house down while opening the show up.  I was impressed at everything she brought to the table, it was a Lady Gaga performance so I nothing really shocked me because I was expecting the unexpected from the beginning when she showed up looking like a Dr. Who character at the beginning.  (Any Dr. Who fans also think Silence In The Library when the show opened on Gaga's face in the white square?)

Gaga ended her performance with a sea shell swimsuit that made me think that Shakira, Ke$ha, and Princess Ariel had a love child.  I've been doing my research on Twitter and the web and Gaga's performance was met to a lot of jeers and boos from the audience...Really?  We all know what Lady Gaga does, but it was a solid performance.  Gaga gets a solid A from me!


An awesome medley of hits is what Justin Timberlake brought to the table at the VMAs.  Justin was being honored so naturally he gets to perform all he wants, but he got a solid 15 minute set and though out all of his songs.  I was sitting there singing along to everything and was just impressed.  Justin Timberlake has cemented himself as a legend in this business and it shined bright last night. A+ for Justin!


I was so stoked to see Vanessa Bayer appear to introduce Miley Cyrus.  This impersonation is one of my favorites going in.  Vanessa Bayer, will you accept my proposal of marriage, cause you're amazing.  It was pretty cool...

Now of course with all the good, there comes the bad:


Rumors circulating for weeks and my Facebook wall was so full of 90s kids talking about NSYNC reunions that I was about to say, "Bye Bye Bye," to my profile,  I watched all of Justin's performance mostly just waiting for this one moment.  Now when I say moment...I mean moment.  The rest of the crew came up out of the ground, sort of like Destiny's Child did at the Superbowl?  They started off great, but then as soon as it began...it stopped.  It really disappointed me.  I also felt bad for JC who tried to get one little moment for himself letting out some little note at the end just to get a pop.  The reunion was nice, but I guess when it comes to the boy band, Justin said, "It's Gonna Be Me!"


Beware everyone...Hannah Montana is gone and she's been slayed by this demon beast known as Miley Cyrus.  From the moment I saw that Star Trek teddy bear, I knew the storm was brewing as Miley was set to perform We Can't Stop.  The tongue chewing hyena girl then burst out of that teddy bear and began humping it.  It got a bit tamer as she walked around the stage like she had jock itch and chugged 14 1/2 bottles of Nyquil before she burst through that stuffed animal.

The Robin Thicke came out and we were forced to see this...

(I feel so bad for those kids in the front.  Hope they didn't win those tickets!)

We then got to see Miley grinding and sort of twerking (she looked like a drunk ostrich) all over Robin Thicke.  She also managed to find a foam finger that was used to grope everything she and Thicke may have respectively.  I'm going to end the review of her performance because I can't stop looking at the picture above.  Seriously, did she get split on the monkey bars as a kid or something?  How does that even happen!?  Miley gets an F...or more like a WTF.

So those are my highlights of the VMAs. What did you guys think?  Let me know! 

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