Friday, July 24, 2009

My Day At Warped Tour

So yesterday I went to Warped Tour in Charlotte, NC. The day didn't start out too well cause I had something wrong with my stomach and I felt like I ate too much all day. Weird feeling but I fought through it. But when I got there, Streetlight Manifesto was coming on in about 10 minutes so I ran to see them. Streetlight is one of my favorite bands so I was hyped that I was getting to see them for the first time.

Streetlight Manifesto's set was amazing. I skanked until I could not skank anymore! The only thing about their set that I was dissapointed in was that they played a lot of their new stuff and left out a lot of great songs. I was very disappointed in that but it was still a great show on their part.

After that I kind of walked around and listened to other bands. One that I really like was a band from England, TAT. They were really good. I bought one of their stickers. Nobody had really heard of them, though some people there had. But their set was awesome. Really enjoyed it.

I also watched Jeffree Star. His set really impressed me. Cause I have heard him before but I'm not really a fan. His music is just not my taste. But his set really impressed me. Not because of the music or the fact that he covered the Black Eyed Peas' 'Boom Boom Boom'. But he brought a show. He really was very charasmatic on the stage. Really enjoyed it.

After his set, The Millionares came on. I actually was not impressed at all by their show. That's all I can say. Although I like the song 'Alcohol'.

I wandered around and I watched some more bands waiting on Big D and the Kids Table. They were the real reason I came to Warped Tour. I didn't find anybody else that really caught my attention. But then I saw a big group a people skanking down in front of the Stage, so I went down there and Westbound Train was performing. They put on an amazing show. I was ready for a reggae show and they put one on! It was truly and epic showing.

I then waited through some band that had this smaller lead singer who talk and sang like a chick. They were horrible.

Then Big D and The Kids Table came on! They put on a show! I had to have skanked off like 25 pounds. I loved every minute of the set. I just wish they would've played 'My Girlfriend's On Drugs'. Meredith and I came to the conclusion they are probably just sick of playing that song! But it was still the best show of the day. It was amazing, epic, and every other word that means something related to epic!

Overall I had a blast at Warped Tour. It was amazing.!

Equally amazing was the Subway we ate afterwards cause we were starving. I think I ate at around 7am and didn't eat again till 9pm.


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