Thursday, July 30, 2009

one of those random late night blogs...

So I'm sitting here and it just now struck 3am. Why do I stay up like this. I actually got my sleep into a pattern and I blow it...I blame the internet. But then again I blame the internet for many of my problems.

It's weird all the thoughts that run though my head at night. I think about my future, work, school, family, sticking crackers to my face with peanut butter...well. It's just interesting. I wonder if everybody has weird thoughts like me or if I'm just strange...or the only one who will speak of his weird thoughts.

I've got a lot on my mind right now. Mainly my college tuition. I'm going to start out by saying the tuition at Limestone is idiotic. I mean if it wasn't for the fact that I love this theatre department, I'd be gone. But I love this department. We gel. Or at least I gel with it, but you get my point. I just have to find a way to get like 5,000 bucks in about 10 days. I have know idea what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll have to work the corner or something.

But for some reason I'm not one to worry. I just leave things on my mind. I really live for the moment, rather than plan for the future. That's one of my major downfalls. I really should plan ahead but I just don't. I don't know why. I think I'm destined to become some indy-folk rocker, not because that's what I inspire to be, but it just fits my personality. I find it weird. Mostly because folk-rock is not at all in the picture I have for my life...Well yeah it is. I'd like to make money and discover an awesome folk-rocker and give them their start. Would be quite epic indeed.

Well on that note I'm done typing!


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